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Member since Nov 2023 • Last active Feb 2024
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for etznabchen

    I erased it and for now, im just trying out a bit before going to sleep, it seems to finally be counting :)
    When I did factory reset it also worked for about an hour or so and then stopped. So will be giving more feedback tomorrow after a full day

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for etznabchen

    @user140377 I actually didn't had a map when I uploaded these files, but yesterday when trying to make it work I had a map, and uploaded two at some point, was erasing and uploading cause thought at the beginning there was a problem with the maps.

    Weirdly enough I deleted the widmp widget like you pointed out in the other issue, and now the open street map works. I even tried installing it again and open street map immediately stops working and when erasing it works again, so it's definitely an issue with that widget. Cool, Open street map issue solved thanks a lot

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for etznabchen

    hmm i searched through all my bangle projects and there was one instance inside a watchface I did where i was defining "m" but inside a function scope:

    const extractTime = function (d) {
        var h = d.getHours(),
          m = d.getMinutes();
        return ("0" + h).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0" + m).substr(-2);

    which shouldn't make a difference really, I still gave it a different name and it made no difference.
    I did play around with different *.boot.js files but erased all of them and like I said in the other post, when the step counting failed, I did a factory reset and it still came the same issue :(

    @user140377: So my firmware is "2v19". My apps are:

    widlock (0.08), widalarm (0.01), boot (0.59), widbt (0.09), notify (0.13), activityreminder (0.11), altimeter (0.03), compass (0.09), ltherm (0.02), mylocation (0.10), astrocalc (0.06), gpsinfo (0.12), hrm (0.11), messageicons (0.05), widmessages (0.05), messages (0.62), android (0.32), files (0.08), calendar (0.16), ptlaunch (0.15), sleeplog (0.15), sleepphasealarm (0.16), dtlaunch (0.24), stopwatch (0.05), waveclk (0.03), dragboard (0.09), noteify (0.03), smpltmr (0.08), torch (0.11), widmp (0.08), magnav (0.06), widgps (0.09), setting (0.68), weather (0.26), messagegui (0.75), recorder (0.35), waypoints (0.03), health (0.27), gpsnav (0.08), qrcode (0.06), accellog (0.06), sched (0.22), alarm (0.45), chess (0.02), widram (0.03), nerdclock (0.1), sdclock (0.1), pomoplus (0.06), lucid (0.1), airhistory (0.1), openstmap (0.26)

    Out of them "airhistory", "nerdclock", "sdclock" and "lucid" are mine and not published, but none have a "m" variable defined. I don´t have the minified option on and never had. I will attach the files you proposed. I did found in the boot0 file in line 14 a function definition with "m"

    function m(){var a=require("Storage").readJSON("health.js­on",1)

    not sure if its supposed to be there.

    Thanks both of you for your quick reply and help:)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for etznabchen

    i've had the bangle.js 2 for a couple weeks now. After like 3 days of use I realised the health app wasn't recording my steps and is very inconsistent with the heart and movement recording also. I randomly get in the console following error:

    Uncaught Error: Expecting a function to call, got Number
     at line 16 col 212 in .boot0
    ....now()-59E4);a&&0<a.steps&&m();var f=function(c){return 145*...
    in function called from system

    I have listened to, as a test, in another app the step event and it seems to get the event but just this app isn't working. I have even tried to do a factory reset and just installing the health app, to rule out any of my code or playing around having had influence and it still doesn't work.

    Would be glad to get some help, thanks

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for etznabchen

    It's pretty odd, I have been developing some apps for myself and playing around, I have some widgets and an app. Today I wanted to try out the open street maps app again, which already worked a couple weeks ago and its just a black screen, even though I have some maps loaded and if I click the button, nothing happens.
    This is what I get on the console:

    Uncaught Error: Function "draw" not found!
     at line 38 col 19 in openstmap.app.js
      const count = m.draw();
    in function "redraw" called from line 240 col 10 in openstmap.app.js
    in function "showMap" called from line 271 col 9 in openstmap.app.js

    So I kind of assume that the app has no access to the module "require("openstmap")". Would love some help with this since I don't understand really why this is happening, thanks
