Avatar for Westboundbiker


Member since Nov 2022 • Last active Nov 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Westboundbiker

    It works!

    Fantastic! Thank you Gordon!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Westboundbiker


    I am just firing my bangle 1 up after buying one during the Kickstarter campaign. I had bought it to be a backup for when my Pebble died, as well as to support a good cause. So now that my Pebble has gone to the great wrist in the sky, I am muddying my way through the bangle.js environment, so please be patient with me.

    I started up my bangle, installed bangle.js gadgetbridge on my Android, figured out the firmware update (updated to 2v16.10), and updated the default apps. After much tinkering (I could not get apps to install from the Gadgetbridge app, but had to use the web interface on a laptop...) I managed to get Android Integration, Messages, Gadgetbridge music control, notifications, and Fullscreen notifications installed.

    However, when I receive messages (via Google Messages), my bangle displays a 'blank' screen. It still shows the Bluetooth icon and battery level, but there is nothing else. When I navigate to the 'Messages' app on my bangle, it does the same- it does not say 'no messages', as it did before I received any texts.

    I'm not sure if this has been covered somewhere else on the forum, but was unable to find it.

    In case it is relevant, the music control app does seem to be working perfectly, as well as the battery percentage.
