Avatar for khromov


Member since Aug 2022 • Last active Aug 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for khromov

    👋 I'm trying to disable the backlight but keep the screen active to touches and the physical button clickable.

    With the following code, the screen stays active to touches after the backlight turns off, which is great. However, the button stops responding and has to be clicked twice after the screen has" gone dark" (according to the LCD timeout value in seconds):

    Bangle.setOptions({ lockTimeout: 0 });

    The only way to keep the button responsive after the lock timeout passed, is to add:


    Is there a way to keep the screen off but the button still responsive? I feel like that is how setting lockTimeout: 0 should behave.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for khromov

    After adding debug logging to a file, I found that the following error is thrown when the key stops working.

    Error: ERR 0x13 (:3174)

    Based on some googling this seems to correspond to "NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT". Any advice on how to handle these errors (maybe to retry, or at the very least make sure the keyboard doesn't go into a broken state) would be much appreciated!

    Upon further testing and logging directly on the display of the watch, the 0x13 error is very rare. The issue also happens without triggering any exception in .tap().

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for khromov

    I think I have the same problem as this thread, but with the Bangle 2. I'm trying to make a simple presentation remote app that will send left/right arrow HID keyboard events. Everything works, except after a couple of keypresses the last pressed key just starts repeating. I'm attaching a gif to show the problem.

    In the gif I first press the Bangle 2 button a couple of times which triggers a right key press. After a few presses, the right key just starts repeating over and over. Not even closing the app helps, which leads me to believe this is a problem where the second command calling NRF.sendHIDReport([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]... which is supposed to reset the key press doesn't get triggered for some reason. It happens super frequently though, only requiring 3-4 presses to go into this error state every time.

    Below is my app. This is the second iteration where I tried to prevent multiple key presses by keeping track of a key currently being sent using a "currentlySendingKey" boolean. What I found was that it seems like my callback for the tap() event doesn't trigger, so once one buggy key has been sent, currentlySendingKey stays true forever.

    PS. I would also love some guidance on how I can connect my app to the console when it's in a paired HID state, it doesn't show up in the Web IDE if it's paired to the Mac.

    const storage = require('Storage');
    const settings = storage.readJSON('setting.json', 1) || { };
    var usbHidEnabled = false;
    let currentlySendingKey = false;
    var forward, backward;
    // Power savings stuff
    Bangle.setOptions({ lockTimeout: 0 });
    if (settings.HID=="kb" || settings.HID=="kbmedia") {
      usbHidEnabled = true;
      // https://www.espruino.com/BLE+Keyboard + presentor app
      // https://www.espruino.com/modules/USBKeyb­oard.js
      const kb = require("ble_hid_keyboard");
      NRF.setServices(undefined, { hid : kb.report });
      // http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/­325524/
      NRF.setConnectionInterval(100); // Test to see if it reduces keystroke ghosting
      forward = function (cb) { 
        if(!currentlySendingKey) {
          currentlySendingKey = true;
          try {
            kb.tap(kb.KEY.RIGHT, 0, function(data) {
              currentlySendingKey = false;
              console.log("Sent!", data);
          } catch(e) {
            currentlySendingKey = false;
            console.log("Could not send forward event", e);
      backward = function (cb) {
        if(!currentlySendingKey) {
          currentlySendingKey = true;
          try {
            kb.tap(kb.KEY.LEFT, 0, function(data) {
              currentlySendingKey = false;
              console.log("Sent!", data);
          } catch(e) {
            currentlySendingKey = false;
            console.log("Could not send backward event", e);
    } else {
      E.showPrompt("Keyboard HID support disabled.", {
        title: "Warning",
        buttons: { "Enable" : true, "Quit" : false},
      }).then(function(enable) {
        if (enable) {
          settings.HID = "kb";
          require("Storage").write('setting.json',­ settings);
          setTimeout(load, 1000, "presentation_remote.app.js"); // TODO: Change to my app
        } else {
          setTimeout(load, 1000); // Goes back to default app(?)
    function drawApp() {
      E.showMessage('Click button to progress to next slide. Press screen to go back.', 'Remote');
    // Basically checks that we passed the above stuff
    if (usbHidEnabled) {
      // Look for pin
      setWatch(function(data) {
        console.log("> Go forward", data);
      }, BTN1, { edge: "rising", repeat: true, debounce: 50 });
      Bangle.on('touch', (button, data) => { 
        console.log("< Go back", button, data);