Avatar for sureshkm


Member since Mar 2017 • Last active Jan 2020
  • 7 conversations

I'm sureshkm, I've total of 14 years experience in the world wide web. For the past 10 years, i've been working as a front-end engineer. JavaScript is my strength.

More about me at my YouTube Channel

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  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    @Gordon I've posted some main parts of my code base. Hope this helps!

    var wifi,
        wifiAPs = {},
        f = new (require("FlashEEPROM"))(),
        isProduction = true; // use this for debugging
    function clog(s) {
     * the MQTT broker server configurations
    var server = '', // the ip of MQTT broker
        options = {
            client_id : UUID,
            //keep_alive: 60, // keep alive time in seconds
            port: 1883, // port number
            clean_session: true,
            username: "username", // name for auth that happens in the broker server
            password: "password",  // pwd for auth that happens in the broker server
            protocol_name: "MQTT", // or MQIsdp, etc..
            protocol_level: 4, // protocol level
        client = require("MQTT").create(server, options /*optional*/);
     * throwing error exceptions
    function throwError(err) {
        if (err) {
            progress = false;
            throw err;
     * Temporary server to collect the WiFi credentials like SSID, pwd etc
     * @method hsInit
    function hsInit() {
        apServer = require("http").createServer(hsRouter).l­isten(80);
     * all the requests will be routed thro this
     * @method hsRouter
    function hsRouter(req, res) {
        getIndexHTML(req, res);
     * index/home page of the Hula Server where we collect the WiFi credentials
     * @method getIndexHTML
    function getIndexHTML(req, res) {
        var pURL = url.parse(req.url, true);
        if (req.method === 'POST') {
            var postData = '',
            req.on('data', function(d) {
                postData += d;
            req.on('end', function(d) {
                parsedData = parseQuery(postData);
                // clear absolutely everything out of memory
                // if there is a WiFi SSID given (required)
                if (parsedData.ap) {
                    f.write(0, parsedData.ap);   
                 // if there is a WiFi PWD given (required)
                // lets setup as we got the WiFi creds
                sTHandlerSetup = setTimeout(setup, 5000);
        // default/index route to display the web page
        if (pURL.pathname == '/') {
            // the HTML page that collects the WiFi creds
            res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
            // HTML Form to collect the required info 
     * initiate the required functions while booting the pico
     * @method onInit
    function onInit() {
        var setWatchId,
        // the external button for setting up 
        pinMode(B3, "input_pulldown");
        setWatchId = setWatch(function(e) {
            pTime = e.time - e.lastTime;
            // do not accept if it happens within 2 secs
            if(!progress && (isNaN(pTime) || pTime > 2)) {
                clog('Got you! Hang on! Im booting up.');
                progress = true;
        }, B3, { repeat: true, debounce : 150, edge: "rising" });
    function setup() {
        if (sTHandlerSetup) {
          clog('clearing the setup timeout ...');
        Serial2.setup(115200, { rx: A3, tx : A2 });
        wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi_0v25").connect(Seri­al2, function(err) {
            // reset the n/w before the connection
            wifi.reset(function(err) {
                // SSID, Access Point PWD, Email id, Token Details, Session Token
                var apSSID = typeof f.read(0) !== 'undefined' ? E.toString(f.read(0)) : '',
                    apPWD = typeof f.read(1) !== 'undefined' ? E.toString(f.read(1)) : '';
                if (apSSID) {
                    wifi.connect(apSSID, apPWD, function(err) {
                        clog('Device is successfully connected to the WiFi.');
                        progress = false;
                        var sTHandlerMQTT;
                        sTHandlerMQTT = setTimeout(function() {
                            clog('clearing the MQTT timeout ...');
                            // MQTT starts here
                            // MQTT: if there is any error 
                            client.on('error', function () {
                                clog('connection to the MQTT broker server failed');
                            // MQTT: while connecting
                            client.on('connected', function () {
                                clog('MQTT connected ...');
                            // MQTT: watching out for the messages that come in from the MQTT broker
                            client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
                                // logic for handling the messages
                            // in case, the MQTT broker server is down, reconnect
                            client.on('disconnected', function() {
                                clog("MQTT disconnected... reconnecting.");
                                // reconnect 3 times in every 5s
                                // 4 times in every 15s and 10 times in every 60s
                        }, 3000);
                } else {
                    // only if there is any WiFi SSID (Service Set IDentifier) in the EEPROM memory
                    new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                        wifi.getAPs(function(err, aps) { 
                            for (var i in aps) {
                                for (var j in aps[i]) {
                                    wifiAPs[aps[i][j]] = aps[i];
                    }).then(function () {
                        // setup the WiFi access point
                        var SSID = 'sureshkm',
                            pwd = 'password';
                        wifi.createAP(SSID, pwd, 5, 'wpa_wpa2_psk', function(err) {
                            clog('WiFi access point is successfully created.'); 
                    }, function(err) {
                        throwError(new Error('Failed to collect the WiFi APs'));
    // save the program into the micro controller 
  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    Hi @Gordon, Thanks for looking into it.

    I've unchecked 'Modules uploaded as functions (BETA)' and 'Javascript compiler' from the config. I'm not sure if they make any difference. But i get the following error and that line is part of MQTT.min.js file.

    Uncaught Error: This socket is closed.
     at line 1 col 58
    in function "disconnect" called from line 1 col 52
    a.ctimo=void 0;a.emit("disconnected");a.disconnect()

    I will try to post up the code soon.

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    Ok, i figured out that this happens intermittently, so i'm trying to at least suppress the uncaught error, it does not work, but why? Isn't the try..catch supported?

    try {
    } catch(e) {
        // do nothing ...
  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    I tried adding Serial2.removeAllListeners() and tested, it does not work.
    I tried initializing the require("ESP8266WiFi_0v25").connect only once and tested, it does not work.

    But all the scenarios, if i make a new HTTP connection instead of client.connect() (not making any MQTT calls), i'm getting the response and the socket is not closed.

    I strongly believe that there is something to do with client.connect() , especially it happens only when i run/close the HTTP server first and try to connect to the MQTT.

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    Thanks @PaddeK, i just tried to use the callback, but unfortunately there is no callback it seems.

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm


    var   client = require("MQTT").create('IP ADDRESS', options /*optional*/);
    function setup () {
             wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi_0v25").connect(Seri­al2, function(err) {
            // reset the n/w before the connection
            wifi.reset(function(err) {
                // SSID, Access Point PWD, Email id, Token Details, Session Token
                var apSSID = typeof f.read(0) !== 'undefined' ? E.toString(f.read(0)) : '',
                    apPWD = typeof f.read(1) !== 'undefined' ? E.toString(f.read(1)) : '';
                if (apSSID) {
                    wifi.connect(apSSID, apPWD, function(err) {
                        console.log('Device is successfully connected to the WiFi.');
                        // MQTT starts here
               } else {
                        // creating the AP, running the HTTP server code
                        // after getting the WiFi creds and saving that to the ROM, 

    If you notice, whenever there is a cold start, i instantiate the ESP8266WiFi_0v25 twice in the flow and that is the case where it does not work.

    Every time after the cold start, it instantiates the ESP8266WiFi_0v25 once and it works fine.
    Does it give any clue?
    Does it need to do anything with the AP or Station mode of the Wifi module?

  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    Sure, i will try.

    But if i make HTTP request in the place of MQTT connect, I'm getting the HTTP response back from the server. The following code works

    require("http").get("http://pur3.co.uk/h­ello.txt", function(res) {
      res.on('data', function(data) {
        console.log("HTTP> "+data);
      res.on('close', function(data) {
        console.log("Connection closed");
  • in Pico / Wifi / Original Espruino
    Avatar for sureshkm

    @PaddeK But the MQTT makes a connection during


    and not during

    var client = require("MQTT").create(server, options /*optional*/);

    Right? In that case, client connection is happening after the close() call.
