• I'm starting to use the ILI9341 LCD and thanks to the module its super easy. However the one problem is that this LCD is slow, and i know there isn't much we can do about it. I would like to know if there is any way to track pixels changed by drawString as i am writing things to the display i don't want to clear the whole screen as it just takes too long, so maybe if i can track the pixels changed by drawString i can just set those pixels to black instead of clearing the whole screen. Right now i just draw a rectangle over where i think the text will be but that still sets a lot of pixels that were already black and so just wasting time.

    I am aware the Espruino doesn't have much memory and so storing all the pixels for the screen in a buffer is just impractical/impossible so i just want to track those that have been changed by drawString.

    I think this is possible with a MAX7219 as it uses an array buffer then writes that to the display, but that isn't how it is with the ILI9341.


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