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  • Good, keep us up to date about your findings.

    Next idea: Another bangle (eg. if you have a bangle 1 laying around) strapped to the ankle could do the trick also instead of a puck. And there is already SW to record the ACC data for first tests.
    So for a very first test you could just use the bangle you have, strap it to the ankle, record ACC data with recorder ( don`t know what frequency is available and necessary. I guess you want at least 5-10 measurements per step) and visualize the result (if you are not a programmer, excel will do at first).
    I would assume the time of contact is very clearly visible and the acceleration in forward swing has a clear correlation to stride length - which could even be calculated pretty accurately with a biomechanical model (big word for simple thing given that only two 2d joints are really involved at any given time)


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