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  • I'm sorry, I'm pretty ignorant about how it all works, but if I understand correctly what @Mi says : the accelerometer might be the only sensor needed to get all the other data that I'm interested in (ie. ground contact time, and also better cadence and speed measurements (the data from my bjs2 seems quite off, as in attachment: lots of microvariability in speed, extremely low cadence).

    If it is possible to get HRV out of these sensors, then I assume other data types should be possible to extract too.
    I actually don't need the watch to process the data, I just want it to make a .gpx file that contains the needed data. My plan is to process it in Golden Cheetah (FOSS) and hope it's gonna do the magic for me. I suspect the way to go, is to find someone that owns one of these fancy chest heart rate monitor and try to get it to spit its data out.

    1 Attachment

    • speed&cadence.png

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