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  • This looks great! When you're happy with this I'd love to try and pull the module in to the main Espruino repo - I guess it could replace the SSD1606 module as well?

  • I guess it could replace the SSD1606 module as well?

    Thats kind of the goal. It "should/want" it to work with many of the SSD16xx devices in a general form. But i'm guessing it would be best to leave the SDD1606 up for backwards support.

    I plan to make a pull request when i have all my e-ink screens work properly.

    I also need to figure out the best way to show known configurations. In the SDD1606 library it was planed to have all the configurations in the library code itself. But the LUT tables can be fairly large, like 150+ bytes. That's potentially for each different display driver. So i don't know if its best to put that into the library as code or have like a readme where they can paste there configurations for there given display.


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