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  • it would be nice to split out the different GUI parts - so if you tapped on a message in the list in the Messages app, it could be handled by a different app.

    On the one hand, it seems a nice idea.
    On the other hand: I'm working on a GUI that doesn't have a separate list: you just start with the top message, and scroll down to the next message. And I'm not sure how that would work with custom displays... (but maybe I'll think of something once we get this sorted out, and I actually finish that GUI)

    Another thing we might look at is response actions, I'd like to have an easy way to just add custom response actions for e.g. Home-Assistant notifications, without having to code up a new screen. (But that's on the list below figuring out responses, and whether we can get GadgetBridge to pass action buttons)


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