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  • Another idea: just look at the accelerometer with a timeout?

            let timeout;
            function setWorn(worn) {
                 worn = !!worn; // undefined -> false
                 if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
                 if (Bangle.isWorn === worn) return; // no change
                 Bangle.isWorn = worn;
                 Bangle.emit('worn', worn);
            Bangle.on('accel', xyz => {
                if (Bangle.isCharging()) {
                else if (xyz.diff) {  // or Math.abs(xyz.diff) > 0.01?
                     // no movement for 1 minute
                     timeout = setTimeout(setWorn, 60000);
            Bangle.on('charging', charging => {
                // assume charging ends = watch picked up

    But I guess constantly running code for accell events might not be great for battery life :-(


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