• I was asked this,

    @Ganblejs, how would I go about trying this? Can you please give some example of how I could test it (besides looking at the code)?
    Thank you.

    , in the comments on the PR and don't really have a good answer.

    @Gordon do you have a suggestion?

    I'm trying to understand the UART-handling to maybe be able to suggest a way to test the code without a bangle.

    EDIT: Maybe I could introduce a function testIntentsFunctionality() to the code that lets one input a string "lineDebug" to pass to "handleUartRxLine()". Making this new function reachable from inside the app would make testing possible w/o a bangle. I think.

    EDIT2: But I guess I have to fake a connection to a bangle to have the app access the code in the first place...


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