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  • Is my second code block the only way to do it then?

    More or less, yes... You need the actual text require("FontTeletext10x18Mode7") in the code. You could do [require("FontTeletext10x18Mode7"), ...] and so on though.

  • Ah alright, thank you Gordon!

  • Hey again Gordon, I have the following on the top of my file.


    Still when I try to run my program on my Bangle.js 1 it returns Uncaught Error: Module FontTeletext10x18Mode7 not found.
    I have tried using adding it on both the right and left-hand sides of the IDE. The left side gives me the same error.

    What can I do?

    EDIT: I solved it, I was uploading the JS file when I should have run it through the IDE.


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