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  • Hi - please can you try resetting the Bangle without loading code?Ā­tting-without-loading-any-code

    Just in case there is some code that disabled the Bluetooth UART service...

    Also it's worth disabling and re-enabling Bluetooth on whatever device you're using to connect. You mentioned the iOS integration app, and I know iOS devices in particular cache the characteristics from BLE devices, so if they were connecting to a device and then the device changed (eg by adding iOS Integration) it'd be totally thrown until you restarted Bluetooth.

    Also, did you then pair the Bangle with your iOS phone? If so the phone will now be automatically connecting via Bluetooth and stopping you connecting with any other device.

  • Hi,
    Thanks for responding so quickly! Trying to start it without loading any code worked, but it unfortunately still doesn't connect or change anything. I removed the bangle js connection from the iPhone, but this doesn't seem to help. However, when booting, under the bangle js logo, there is a message: -> Bluetooth. I'm assuming that means the debug console is being sent to a bluetooth device? When I disconnect the bluetooth module from my computer, it doesn't appear anymore.


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