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  • That's great! Please feel free to send in whatever changes you have and I'll pull them into the main app.

    For the image, suppose you put ż into the image converter (best to tick transparency + invert + crop) and got var img = E.toArrayBuffer(atob("BwsBEAAD4MEEECCB8A­=="))

    "ż".charCodeAt() gives you 380

    So then you'd put in:

    var unicodeRemap = {

    And that should hopefully do it for you :)

    I should add that right now the character will be rendered in the image's size regardless of the size of the font. I've been considering changing Espruino so that if you provide an image it'll scale it up until it matches the current font size though - so I think that would be a big help

  • Thanks, I think I will stick with maping as using images makes it look weird with different font sizes. But when this update with scaling comes I will happily get back to it and help with the code.


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