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  • Ok, that's interesting, thanks for checking! I see Gadgetbridge when I run it! Must be my tools then - I'll make sure it's all up to date.

    In terms of alarms there is actually an alarm sync thing in Gadgetbridge already so it's a relatively easy job to implement the handling of that event on the Bangle. I believe someone is already working on it for Q Alarm, but obviously it'd be better if it was done for the default alarm app

  • Ok, that's interesting, thanks for checking! I see Gadgetbridge when I run it! Must be my tools then - I'll make sure it's all up to date.

    I noticed that "Apply Changes & Restart Activity" does not reload the strings.xml. To see the updated strings you must rerun the app.

    (I'm using Android Studio 2021.1.1 Patch 1 on Windows 10.)


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