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  • if disconnecting is not easy then you may very briefly shortcut the battery to reset or power it off, then if it is off try to attach charger and it may wake.

    btw if you have two stlink v2 clones you can reprogram one with the other to test openocd, there are swd pins on pcb near usb connector. also you can reflash it with cmsis-dap debugger firmware which can also unlock protected nrf52, I do have some binary of cmsis-dap for stlink v2 clone that puts additional uart (usb to serial) on rst/swim pins so one could debug and have serial console via same dongle.

    actually you can even run espruino on stlink v2 clone :-) For more info seeĀ­s/tree/master/STLINKV2 , I have also uploaded cmsis-dap build for the dongle there.


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