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  • For 'Graphics.setFontCustom()', one can specify the font's 'firstChar' for which the documentation states :

    firstChar - The first character in the font - usually 32 (space)

    I am in the process of including true internationalisation for a Bangle.js 2 app and as such I am designing a custom font (with multiple font pages).

    Reading the above doc, I was under the impression one could choose the 'firstChar' value freely and so I started at 0 (zero). Now it seems that character 0x0D (new line) is processed as new line, even if setFontCustom indicated the characters start at 0x00 (and 0x0D is 'just another character')...

    I didn't verify if Espruino treats other 'below 0x20' characters in a special way, but it would have saved me a lot of debug time if it had been mentioned in the documentation that 'going below 0x20' is a dangerous adventure...

    Just a suggestion to please modify the (excellent) documentation - thanks


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