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  • Yes, it was fixed after the 2v10 release:­b/c23289e6c18f9a88df812b855d2a54a000f54d­61/ChangeLog#L14 - so a daily build will have it sorted or it'll be fixed in 2v11

    Is there anyway I can test this from the IDE

    You can send the commands here:

    So GB({"t":"call","cmd":"accept","name":"na­me","number":"+491234"}) for example. In terms of testing with Gadgetbridge you can either use another Esprruino device that has a serial connection and can forward data, or maybe just do something like:

    var log = [];
    function GB(d) {

    Then connect with Gadgetbridge and do stuff. Finally disconnect and reconnect with the IDE and look at what's in log


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