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  • Hi, this looks like an Espruino issue - maybe not related to map specifically, but it looks like if you break out of a FOR loop then it's possible the iterator still gets called before it exits?

    Changing break for return i will fix it:

    var lvls = [65535,54038,47824,39322,32768,26526,183­88,11818,5958],
        halfDiff = 2979; //2958/2
    function anaGetKey(samples){
      var keys =  {
        var i;
        var val = v + halfDiff;
        for (i=0; i<lvls.length; i++)    {
          if (lvls[i] < val){
            console.log("found : "+i+" for "+v+" - "+val);
            return i; //<------- here
        console.log(" => return "+i);
        return i;

    I'm on holiday next week but i've just filed a bug for this at­ues/2012 and I'll get on it when I get back


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