• Hi! Did you ask on Reddit too? There's a good answer there: https://www.reddit.com/r/Banglejs/commen­ts/m7v4sc/battery_life_of_bangle_js_in_r­eal_world_situations/

    I'm biased, but I find with the latest firmware around 2 weeks is sensible. If it's just sitting there doing nothing you'd be looking at well over a month, but the biggest power draws are the LCD and GPS, so how long you have the LCD on for (for instance whether it comes on automatically with hand movement) can have a big effect.

    GPS doesn't normally come on unless you enable something that uses it (like GPS recording), and then you could be looking at ~10 hours usage. @HughB has done some great work on this though and with the GPS Setup app you can tell the GPS you only want a GPS fix every 2 minutes, and in that case you can be looking at almost 2 days of constant usage.

  • Yes, sorry. I posted on Reddit before I realized that there s an official forum. I presume that thsi one gets most traffic?


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