• Do you mean for turning Puck.js itself on and off? You can basically do that in software with NRF.sleep() to stop Puck.js from advertising on Bluetooth.

    But turning other devices on and off can be done using D1 and D2 as long as they don't draw a lot of power (under 5mA) - connect a device between D1 and GND and you can turn it on with D1.write(1) and off with D1.write(0).

    But for higher-power devices (under 200 mA) you can use Puck.js's v2's on-board FET (which is effectively a switch to GND). So you could connect something between the FET pin and the 3v pin, and you can turn that on and off with FET.write(...).

    But for higher power stuff you'll need to add an external FET or transistor as @allObjects says, but it's not like you can really draw more than 50mA from the Puck.js battery anyway


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