• I have idea of a project: I would like to measure elevation change in air... with good precision <=.5m.

    Espruino supports MS5803 which seems ok sensor compared but I understand it has only.2 mbar so ~1.5m air max precision. Is that right? Bosh's sensors BMP3xx seem to be doing better.... .5m (the newest 2020 chip is even more precise but I see no breakouts available). Should I hack C for this and add Js API code for BMP3xx?

    The another problem is need to proof the puck for wet env (not underwater but strong splash). Silicon on top is great but how to seal the whole? I could ziplock (plastic bag it) but that is a bit lame. Any ideas?

    Which form factor? Does the orange breakout off ebay like this https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_MS5­803-14BA_Breakout_Arduino_Library fit?

    What precision could I expect? could I do 5-10Hz? Are there any problems with float calcs? https://lukemiller.org/index.php/2014/04­/arduino-code-for-ms5803-pressure-sensor­s/


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