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  • Awesome, glad you're diving in :)

    Where are the parameters, and how could I interpret those ?

    They're generated by scripts/ in Espruino itself - you can use anything that some other function in Espruino uses. At the moment this is:

    edit: no longer relevant - 1v61 handles all different types

    I'll be trying to change this though, so that Espruino can take a much larger variety of types.

    Big question, as far as I can see, r0 is used in the example for input and return value

    It's the way values are passed to functions on ARM:Ā­vention#ARM

    Would it be possible to have something like a list of "interesting entrypoints". There is something like spi_sender_software in jswrap_spi_i2c.c This could be an additional file created during compilation of new version, and could be used similiar to boardinfo.

    If you compile yourself, there's espruino_1v##_espruino_1r3.lst which actually has this in - I guess this could be included in the binaries folder. IMO it might be more sensible if Espruino itself could return a list of these functions and then the assembler could load them in.

    This would be way more useful if/when someone gets a C compiler working though. For now it would probably be easier (maybe even faster) to do SPI in software.


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