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  • Hi, that's great - glad you like it!

    Just to respond...

    app lists slow to scroll (with a long list of apps). Maybe add a wraparound?

    If you install the latest version of the launcher it should wrap - has done for a few weeks I think :)

    display too dim in direct sunlight (needs shade to read)
    heart monitor - need to stop running to get any reading

    Yes, those are a shame - if there's a v2 it's definitely something I'll be looking at fixing :)

    could not get Gadgetbridge (off F-Droid) to "Find lost device" or show messages from "Weather notification" (blue circle + bluetooth sign are on)

    The 'lost device' may need fixing, however weather does work.

    Are you sure you had the 'weather notification' installed on Android?­bridge/wiki/Weather


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