• Sat 2020.04.25

    Well, that took a bit of searching.


    D:\Program Files\mosquitto>mosquitto -v
    1587778119: mosquitto version 1.6.9 starting
    1587778119: Using default config.
    1587778119: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
    1587778119: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
    1587782463: New connection from on port 1883.
    1587818485: Client <unknown> has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.
    1587818555: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
    1587818555: New client connected from ::1 as mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB (p2, c1, k60).
    1587818555: No will message specified.
    1587818555: Sending CONNACK to mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB (0, 0)
    1587818555: Received SUBSCRIBE from mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818555:     'test/topic' (QoS 0)
    1587818555: mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB 0 'test/topic'
    1587818555: Sending SUBACK to mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818615: Received PINGREQ from mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818615: Sending PINGRESP to mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818622: New connection from ::1 on port 1883.
    1587818622: New client connected from ::1 as mosq-gVXsXW2uZllppBjj8I (p2, c1, k60).
    1587818622: No will message specified.
    1587818622: Sending CONNACK to mosq-gVXsXW2uZllppBjj8I (0, 0)
    1587818622: Received PUBLISH from mosq-gVXsXW2uZllppBjj8I (d0, q0, r0, m0, ''test/topic'', ... (12 bytes))
    1587818622: Sending PUBLISH to mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB (d0, q0, r0, m0, ''test/topic'', ... (12 bytes))
    1587818622: Received DISCONNECT from mosq-gVXsXW2uZllppBjj8I
    1587818622: Client mosq-gVXsXW2uZllppBjj8I disconnected.
    1587818674: Received PINGREQ from mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818674: Sending PINGRESP to mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB
    1587818734: Received PINGREQ from mosq-IhvXaEE4c7edRcm7oB

    Sending and Receiving!! Now off to load up tinyMQTT . . . .


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