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  • So I got the display working with the SSD1306 module :-)

    I spoke too soon. I see the text but every other 32pixel line is empty so text takes up double width. This is with height set to 32. I found this thread­269330/ which discusses the issue but it looks like current SSD1306 module I use is already fixed like that. But when I set height to 32 it is wrong. And when leaving the default 64 it works a bit better. When I draw to normal coordinates 0,0 with 64 height set and call flip() I see nothing. But when I connectSPI to it again now with 32 height I see previously written data correctly how it should be. But any new drawings written with 32 height set are wrong again. Also when in 64 height mode I can write text to y=32 and it shows with correct size as if y=0, however only few (8?) 128pixel lines are working so when I write to e.g. y=36 the bottom of text is cut off so I cannot access lower part of display. I guess the initCmds and flipCmds arrays are not correctly set for my type of display but I don't know how to fix it. Any tips?

    EDIT: Oh, got it. For some reason with my display the initCmds[15] should be 0x12 like for 64 height and not 0x02. When I keep 0x12 it works perfectly. Well it is mirrored so I need also setRotation(0,true) but then it is fine.


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