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  • Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone has tried to compile Espruino on Windows Subsystem for Linux?

    I have a few long flights from Europe back to Australia and I thought it would be great to be able to continue testing some things I'm working on for my Picos but on Windows 10? I should have bought a Pico with me and then I could just use that but only thought about this project while I have been away.

    So far I have got Debian installed with WSL. I have installed all the required build tools, cloned from git and then make. Everything looks ok. Then I try run Espruino and I get the following...

    Interactive mode.
    Size of JsVar is now 32 bytes
    Size of JsVarRef is now 4 bytes
    Added SIGINT hook
    Added SIGHUP hook
    Added SIGTERM hook
    ASSERT(strlen(name)<=8) FAILED AT src/jsflash.c:56
      #1[r1,l2] Object {
        #2[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "\xFF"      #3[r1,l1] Object {
            #6[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "timers"          #7[r2,l0] Array(0) [ ]
            #8[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "watches"          #9[r2,l0] Array(0) [ ]

    I had a look at jsflash.c but I'll admit its a bit over my head.

    Anybody else tried this? Is it even possible?



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