• I would not do any additional connection. Just the USB cable is enough.

    Do you have the USB to COM driver installed on your Windows machine? Which driver(s) did you install for that purpose? From where did you get them? What is the Windows version you use?

    When you connect the pico to you windows machine - directly plug into a USB A socket, then pico flashes once - as you confirmed.

    In chrome go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detai­l/espruino-web-ide/bleoifhkdalbjfbobjack­fdifdneehpo?hl=en and click the Launch button.

    Then click on the yellow/.orange Connect Icon in top-left corner. What can you see in in the pop-up? (Can you provide a screenshot?).

    If chrome does not get you there, you can also install the Windows native IDE... see https://www.espruino.com/Web+IDE - but that is for BLE, and I'm not sure if it helps w/ PICO.


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