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  • There's a difference between the voltage required for the power supply and the voltage required for actual data signals.

    @DrAzzy - a lot of '5v' inputs will run off 3.3v signals just fine. Have a look at:Ā­

    Note that CMOS is a bit fiddly (it's too near the limit), but for most things you won't have a problem.

    For receiving data, Espruino can take 5v signals in just fine (as long as you don't connect them to any of the pins mentioned here which have a '3.3v' marker by them - those ones won't take 5v input)

    @graf: you should be fine with all of those. All the relay modules I have here work fine. The trick is to power the relay module from 5v (just connect it to the Bat connection which has the 5v from USB), but to just connect the signal input to Espruino as normal.


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