• @Gordon

    I'm not sure why you're not getting a response from .get('' though - did it just happen the once, or does it happen multiple times? Do you see the request appearing on your server at all?

    That didn't seem to work at all on the Espruino end, but I didn't check if the server received anything.

    However, now I'm connecting from computer to Espruino. What I'm currently doing is the browser sends a websocket request to the local Meteor server (simply calling an RPC method defined on the server, not needing to know Meteor's DDP websocket API), then the server does a GET on the Espruino chip, and the Espruino sends back accelerometer/gyro data.

    It takes 120 to 200 milliseconds for the server to receive a response back from the Espruino. This includes the time it takes for Espruino to request data from the MPU6050 module. So it's not really ideal for realtime visuals. I haven't timed how long the MPU6050 request takes yet.

    At first I tried the browser's new fetch() API, but it would not work due to this problem: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/iss­ues/detail?id=728953

    So instead of making direct HTTP requests from the browser I am going through the local Meteor server which obviously will take longer.

    Do you know if the Espruino WiFi is capable of replying with data over WiFi at a speed closer to something usable with a graphical application? If not, maybe can you recommend a chip that is easy to install Espruino firmware on, so that it can be faster (and just as easy to connect to in Web IDE)?


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