• Hi

    I'm trying to investigate the NFC issues on my Puck. So I've attached a J-Link using SWD.
    The connection is stable and I can flash and debug using JLinkExe.

    However I'd prefare a more advanced interface with symbol names and so on ;-).
    So I switched to JLinkGDBServer and arm-gdb. I'm using the espruino built by
    DFU_UPDATE_BUILD=1 BOARD=PUCKJS RELEASE=1 make. (I've tried ELFs built by DFU_UPDATE_BUILD=1 BOARD=PUCKJS DEBUG=1 make, but do not fit into flash.)

    For some reason gdb always tries to accesses the SoftDevice area and in particular 0x00000000 and fails (read protection?) instead of 0x1f000 and up. I assume I'm missing some magic Switch. Any suggestions or a working gdbinit are welcome.


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