• Well, it may happen if I can scale down this setup.
    I just received the puck.js and am examining how to create more place but keeping it's nice looks.
    In the case of solar power I am considering how to place females inside the case for power males (pins and sockets) and possible flash from something like the white battery/sun panel unit that is quiet cheap from china

    The middle board is realtime clock and SD Card with prototype area.
    One can get them a lot smaller and fit in the battery/sun panel unit and of course one can take the puck.js out of it's box and perhaps remove battery holder for flatness.

    If nRF52 is important, and quantity known, there are discussions on a possible flat pcb for nRF52

    Do you know how big the flash has to be? can something a bit less than 1MByte be enough???


    1 Attachment

    • wp_20170202_11_26_17_pro_720.jpg