• Thanks for taking the time G.

    I got to thinking I may have reached the memory limit, hence stripping the code back as much as I could.

    The return statement was in there as a debug thing, just so it didn't fall over and I could continue to develop the rest of the features while looking for a solution :)

    I did look at using the internal temp sensor as opposed to DS18B20, and I still might revert back. Although, both seen to be around 10 degrees higher than the thermometer I have. Although not critical, it would be nice to have better accuracy.

    The images may have to go then, although they are small (icon size). Would it better to call these in from the SD card, or will that still take up valuable memory space?

    I'll keep playing with some of your other recommendations and see where I can get to.

    I did start out with the Pico, but as I'm using all (and may need more!) of the IO pins, I switched to the larger Espruino (especially as this has the onboard SDcard).


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