• Wire your multimeter in line with your battery early on, and assume nothing.

    Yeah, I can try and get Espruino's sleep power down, but so much other stuff draws a lot of power (especially the breakout boards that tend to have high power voltage regulators)


    Well, it might be 'old' but it's used in enough stuff that I doubt XBee is going anywhere any time soon. It's just a shame the price is so high.

    Nordic dev day

    I did one in the UK... If it's anything like that, there's loads of nRF52-based info, and you might even get a free dev board. It may not deal with programming languages, but if it does, it'll all be C though.

    It'll give you a good idea what the chip is capable of. It's actually really clever inside - you can wire peripherals together without getting the CPU involved.

    You just have to promise not to come back here and ask why Puck.js doesn't use feature X - or if you do want it you'll have to implement it :)


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