• I updated my version to get rid of self caused memory leaks, I use the immediate return for timeouts. Thanks to the fix to the SIM900 module it is so far quite stable.
    Additionally I set the SIM900 baud rate to 9600. Additionally I pull jobs out of resources with the max=1 parameter, means get only as less data as possible.
    Memory seems stable so far.
    I put the code online: https://github.com/afitterling/espruino-­projects2/blob/master/RemoteWateringSyst­em.js
    The cariots module can now handle wrong JSON and will reject the successful call:
    this is the result of the status push at call 104.

            "stats": {
                "process": {
                    "stackEndAddress": 536959420,
                    "flash_binary_end": 376280,
                    "flash_code_start": 134234112,
                    "free": 2875,
                    "flash_length": 393216,
                    "usage": 2225,
                    "total": 5100,
                    "flash_start": 134217728,
                    "history": 1753
                "errorFlags": [],
                "requests": 104,
                "errors": 0,
                "resets": 1

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