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  • You can't just replace the pinMode(,'input_pullup'); with a digitalPulse (which it seems you've done). It'll mean the DHT22 is fighting against the Espruino board to pull the signal line low and something might get damaged.

    As far as I can tell, the marker isn't fired late. It should immediately set the pin low, then set it to 'input_pullup' after 1ms. It then waits 5ms for the response.

    My guess is that on ESP8266, it often messes up the timing (maybe WiFi needs to process something for a few ms) and executes the pinMode and the other timeout right after each other, so there is no time for the result to appear.

    I guess you could work around this by just nesting the timeouts?

      setTimeout(function() {pinMode(,'input_pullup');},1);
      setTimeout(function() {


      setTimeout(function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        // ...
        }, 6);

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