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  • Compiling itself takes somewhere between 10 and 20 secs.
    Some functions are done on server, right now even comples parts, like building up a JS-Command tree, take not more than a second.
    Getting the firmware is a button inside Firmware-field, to be honest, its not active yet.
    Other buttons in Firmware field are read compiling log, read compiling errors, download project data and last not least upload project data.
    Right I'm using an old release. I had to add some lines to make file and to the py-file which creates wrapper source
    Plan is to update from Github once a day.
    One of the things to do is support of multiple users. Make itself stores a lot in global gen-folder. Same for some files which are created during linking. In a first step, I will create a busy-message or something like that.


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