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  • It should be giving you the option to update in the Web IDE now.

    Some great changes this time:

    'Official' ESP8266 and micro:bit releases

    Now available on the Download page

    There's a combined ESP8266 image for 512kB parts that should be a bit easier to flash.

    WebSocket server support

    For the Espruino Pico at the moment (other boards will need a SHA1 implementation)


    This is quite advanced, but you can now access any area of memory directly as a variable. It's really useful if you've used the Flash library to write data into your board's flash memory, and you want to be able to access it without loading it back into RAM.

    More accurate RTC on Espruino Pico

    We've changed some values, and the Pico's RTC should be more accurate now - although it's still not great.

    Better code compression

    When saving, your code is now compressed with 'heatshrink' which is much more efficient than the old RLE compression. If that fails, your command history is deleted and Espruino tries again.

    You can now also type reset();save() on one line - previously it used to just reset.

    Added decodeURIComponent

    Is it says on the tin - this is a useful function for a lot of web-bases stuff

    Tab complete improvements

    Tab complete works a lot better now, and doesn't use much memory - so it can be used on boards even if they don't have much RAM

    Networking tweaks

    • Improved memory handling means HTTPS and TLS can now be used on the Pico with ESP8266 and GSM modules. There are now more helpful error messages too.
    • A bug parsing HTTP headers for POSTed data (sometimes) was fixed
    • The handling of serial data has been tweaked to make handling network connections that send lots of data via serial (ESP8266, GSM) far more robust
    • Buffer sizes for WIZnet and ESP8266 networks have been increased, making them much faster
    • The HTTP server now closes a connection automatically after Content-Length bytes have been received.

    Power usage/speed

    • Allocating Flat Strings has got faster
    • Garbage collection now updates the free list to ensure that variables are more likely to be allocated right at the beginning of memory (leaving more free for large flat arrays)
    • Multiple clears of the same memory area have now been removed
    • Only garbage collect when we're low on memory - this allows Espruino to get back to sleep much more quickly after executing code
    • Espruino can now use direct pointers to ArrayBuffers and memoryAreas, which really speeds up internal functions that require flat memory.

    Other fixes

    • There were some bad floating point bugs on boards with very little memory (VLdiscovery, Olimexino, etc), and these have been fixed now.
    • A regression on the Original Espruino's DACs has been fixed
    • Calling clearInterval (without arguments) from within a debounced setWatch is now fine
    • Improve low speed external oscillator handling
    • Ensure that any pins set using pinMode return to their power-on state after reset()
    • After a conversation with users on Gitter it turns out most people weren't aware that there was a donation page. Espruino on boards that I don't make any money from now displays a short message pointing it out.
    • Not specifically Espruino - but the new Web IDE should have updated on to your computers now - it has a few fixes and improvements that hopefully make it a bit more polished and easier to use.

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