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  • Where is this set (jsiStatus & JSIS_ALLOW_DEEP_SLEEP)?

    The setDeepSleep(true) function. It's great that you implemented deep sleep - and it wakes up properly on pin change events and if setTimeout/etc is used?

    Generally it doesn't sleep if USB is connected (but I think the EFM32 doesn't have USB?) - and yes, since the clocks stop the Serial UART usually dies, and that makes the console almost unusable :) You can hack something up using some JS code and RTS and CTS if they exist though :)

    There's a branch where I'm looking at adding software serial - I'm hopeful that (at least for low baud rates) that may be usable from deep sleep.

    if I want to use 115200 baud for the console, how do I do it (on the PC side)?

    In the Web IDE? It's under 'settings' and 'communications'.

    On the Espruino itself you can do Serial1.setup(115200) which should work, but potentially you may have to re-specify the pins too: Serial1.setup(115200, {rx: ..., tx:...})


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