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  • Hi guys. I'm planning on building a lightsaber for my 6 yr old daughter and was looking for assistance on how to do so. The espruino pico looks like a perfect choice. It'll fit inside the hilt for younglings. I just need a grocery list of components for the electronics. Basically I need to drive two led strings each about 32-34 inches in length that I will solder together myself. One string blue (5mm) and another white (3mm) for flash on clash effect. I need them to flicker as well. Next i would need to tie that into a soundboard that will produce the ignite, swing, clash, & shutoff sounds. I was wondering if anyone could help me make a "grocery list" of components to buy so I could accomplish this task. I live in the philippines and the custom saber scene here is non-existent. Thank you in advance everyone! May The Force Be With You All.
