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  • Do you mean when running Espruino on the ESP8266 itself, or when running on an Espruino board connected to the ESP8266?

    If it's on the Espruino board I'm not sure there's a function, but you can add one with a simple bit of code. Something like:

      wifi.getMAC = function(callback) {
        var mac;
        at.cmdReg("AT+CIFSR\r\n", 1000, "+CIFSR", function(d) { 
          if (d.indexOf("STAMAC")>=0) mac=JSON.parse(d.slice(d.indexOf(',')+1)­); 
        }, function(d) { 
          if (d!="OK") callback("CIFSR failed: "+d); 
          else callback(null, mac); 
    wifi.getMAC(function(err,mac) {

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