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  • Hi Duane, thanks!

    Yes, the 0.05" is a bit of a pain... at least with the adaptor board you can only solder them once and convert them to 0.1" though! The problem with soldering headers is you then have to have solder 0.05" stuff to connect them to as well!

    ST do seem to be quite interested in Espruino - I got invited to display at their stall at Maker Faire Rome, and they provided STM32s for the first batch of Espruino Picos in return for me porting to the Nucleo! I'm not sure I'll ever get any support payments from them as at the moment they basically have all they want for free, but it would be great if I did. After all, they pay quite a lot to mbed to be able to mbed-enable their boards.

    I really want to create a smaller, cheaper Espruino board, but you're right, I don't think it would add much. Also, at some point I have to sell the board so cheap that I make so little that I can't afford to provide the amount of support I'd like.

    I'm really interested in the nRF51/52 at the moment and I'll be supporting it at least a bit for the micro:bit, so I'm thinking I might do a dev board for that at some point in the future. Hopefully it could really add something as it definitely plays to the 'low power' side of Espruino.


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