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  • hello again :)

    I'm using the optotriac with a bipolar junction transistor BT138 to short the "AP" 12V to Gnd, which triggers the ground floor door opening

    -> I'm going to try again with a 10k on the BT138 pin that's controlled by the optotriac to see how it goes
    -> also, I'm currently using an LED runnig from a 3V cell battery to simulate the "AP" being shorted to Gnd, so not quite the same setup than for my actual/final usage

    On the code side, I edited the code hosted at SingleButtonCombinationMulticodesLock_EsĀ­pruino.js, but it seems something's weird with the timeouts ( in addition to jslint's!== 0 advices ) ?
    -> the weirdest part being the same code works flawlessly when running from a webpage ?!

    => if you had any hint on this, we could have it all ( aka clean working code .. to update the Espruino "SINGLE BUTTON COMBINATION LOCK" page with ;P )

    ( code that has issue with timeouts as attached file )

    1 Attachment


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