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  • Thanks - in a way it's a bit difficult asking here, because everyone who is answering is already contributing a huge amount, and I'd feel bad taking your money :)

    It's actually more the companies that are using Espruino on other devices that then want free support. But then that's a bit difficult as well - those people will just neglect to mention that they're using some other board when they ask questions on the forum.

    Delaying builds would work, but I don't want to screw over 'normal' Espruino users (and for instance @DrAzzy provides nightly builds himself) - so it's a hard balancing act. Paid support could be a good one - specifically some companies e-mail direct because they don't want to post publicly - I could offer private support as a service and just direct people to the forum otherwise.

    Espruino is also getting used more in teaching... That's great, but if someone's running a workshop with people paying £100 a pop to use $10 Nucleo boards with Espruino, it'd be nice if they at least considered making a contribution...

    The sad thing with ESP8266 is that looking at it, I'm not sure it's worth me selling them. I can't charge that much more for them, and once I've programmed them, packed them up, 5% of them have got lost in the post and I have to support the rest of them, it won't actually be worth my time!

    ... anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. How would you actually take payment? PayPal seems like the obvious option, but there are a whole bunch of other things (like Patreon) that specialise in this kind of thing and I wonder if they're somehow better?


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