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  • It's been suggested a few times recently that I should have a way for people to give donations on

    I used to have one when Espruino started, and I think it got used once in the whole year so I took it off. Recently things have changed quite a bit though. Currently around 1/3 of all users are not using the Espruino or Pico boards, and that number is growing all the time - especially with things like the ESP8266 port.

    While I could sell programmed ESP8266's, at the moment I'd rather not have to support them (and realistically most people will just buy a NodeMCU clone off AliExpress which I could never compete with).

    Folks like Marijn Haverbeke (of CodeMirror/Tern/etc fame) have a whole donations thing, and companies like Ubuntu have a click-through screen every time you download (which you're basically only going to be doing if you don't have an Espruino board).

    Any thoughts on the best way to approach this?

    A PayPal button is probably easiest, but then there are things like Patreon as well... has anyone done this before? any advice?


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