• As far as I'm concerned, right now Espruino is running on something miles away from low end. Low end is 8k of flash, not 256k of flash :-P
    And low end MCU's cover a huge range of capability - look at all that people do on Arduino with a processor at a quarter the clock speed with a sixteenth the flash and 1/32nd the ram...

    I'm all for adding HTTP 1.1 - but only if there's a demand for it! The capabilities of general purpose computers, even back in the 90's, was far beyond what a microcontroller has, in terms of memory and program storage. Is it worth adding HTTP/1.1, in light of the extra flash space it would take up? What is it about HTTP/1.1 that is important for the microcontroller use case?

    And yeah - TLS would be huge if we could get that working. Definitely higher priority than HTTP/1.1, unless that has superpowers I don't know. IPv6, maybe not so much yet (sometimes we test our product with it at work. Never had to use it in real life though)


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