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  • I guess the N64 replies after you've sent the bits?

    I'd suggest you just connect SPI MISO and MOSI together, and then send the data via SPI. If you send a much larger buffer than you need, so:

    0001 0111 0111 0001 .... end of data ... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ...

    Then you'll be able to use SPI to read the data back in at high speed too.

  • Indeed, there is several command you can send to the controller, the 0b000000011 is to have the status of all the button/joystick.

    So If I understand properly:

    • I connect the data pin of the controller on the MOSI pin to use it to send command
    • I connect the data pin of the controller on the MISO pin to be able to read
    • I send a command via MOSI, and until I receive the response I don't send anything to avoid any shortcut ?
    • I receive my response so I can process stuff and be ready to send a new command.

    could you be more specific about what the"larger buffer" ? :)


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