• @MichaelPralow ... I was reading your post and a thought struck me. Given the fact that the AT command processor running on ESP8266s is no more and no less than a relatively simple app that reads data from the serial port and writes responses to the serial port and has chosen AT commands for the purpose ... would there be any interest in an alternative app that accepted as input and returned as output ... JSON strings?

    If such a thing existed, then I am guessing it would easier for a native Espruino board to send and receive data as we would no longer have to have this vague intermediate format which is the AT command set?

  • @Kolban JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is definitly javascript idiomatic thus Espruino too.
    However, I believe that what @Gordon wants is just impossible.
    Each and every module maker including an esp8266 chip wants to add its own 'firmware'. And obviously, the officiel sdk is still moving once a month, deprecating functionnalities while enforcing others...


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