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  • @the1laz how does node.js handle requesting certain versions? Is it
    all done via npm - or can you require("foo@1.2")?

    The issue for me at the moment is that there is no versioning on the
    modules. I'm not 100% sure there should be either as Git commits maybe
    make more sense... Someone could easily come up with a historic
    modules plugin for the Web IDE that let you choose from a list of
    modules, and then let you choose the git commit from a list (which
    could also show date and commit message) or maybe even add your own
    URL if you wanted to do some development work.

    Npm handles it all, node just uses whatever is supplied.

    Can the web IDE use local files without a http server? If it (optionally?) preferentially looked in a node_modules folder when loading modules, then people could just keep local copies of the modules they use if they want them to stay unchanged. Then they can use whatever method they wanted to manage versions (git, npm, etc.).


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