• Before the 7-segnent display, I considered an Espruino controlled a flip-clock display / split-flap display / *Fallblatt Anzeige: split-flap 'drum' moved by stepper motor controlled by Wfii Espruino, directed by a Web app (html/javascript) provided by Espruino Web server. But that would have demanded even more 'mechanical work' - for which there was just no time... This nice javascript version of a flip-clock - see screen shot below - I just found now; shame that I did not find it before as a good head start. Building myself with '3d rotation/translation of cards' was not exactly on my agenda, even though just completed a 'dice jack' game using this css3 technology to roll dice in 3d. Dice jack game is built with plain html, some js, and css, whereas flipclockjs.com's solution uses (heavily?) jQuery...

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